Friday, 1 February 2013

雪蘭莪 加影 鍚米山新村 衛記辣湯 山頂

lunch with friends in Sungai Chua today . we ordered great "spicy pepper soup" and "burning(in your month) delicious sliced pork" , two of the MUST EAT foods in the restaurant which located in the uphill of chinese village Sungai Chua that only local can lead the way .


今天和朋友到鍚米山的 衛記辣湯 用午餐 . 它的辣湯的層次感很重, 湯入口微辣後是胡椒辣再來是薑的辣, 另外他的火爆肉 和 花鵰雞 皆以瓦煲盛滿上桌, 那種熱辣辣的感覺, 真是令人 聞了就覺得很過瘾. 但是店隱居在鍚米山新村的小山頂, 路很難找. 我已把地點tag出來了, 能不能去得到, 就要憑你的運气了.

圖為 锡米山卫记辣汤- 辣汤 和 火爆肉 。


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